Mission of the University Clinic

The mission of the PHI University Clinic for Traumatology, Ortopaedic Diseases, Anaesthesia , Reanimation and Intensive Care and Emergency Centre Skopje is to execute all activites of public interest – healthcare, educational as well as scientific research into one and single functional whole.
Within the healthcare activity, tertiary level of prevention is provided at the University Clinic as a specialist-subspecialist ambulance and hospital healthcare in the field of traumatology, orthopaedic diseases, anaesthesia, reanimation and intensive care and emergency cases in the range of surgery. This is done professionaly, following the positive regulations for the activity and legal principles for it.
The University Clinic takes part in the implementation of study programmes at The Faculty of Medicine for undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral studies, in an expert and professional manner following the positive regulations for the activity and which are in accordance with the general acts of the Faculty of Medicine – Skopje. It laso improves provides the healthcare workers with advancement pursuant to the regulations in the field of healthcare protection.
The University Clinic conducts its scientific research as a functional whole with healthcare and educaional activity by making scientific and research programmes individually or in collaboration with other domestic or foreign subjects.

Vision of the University Clinic

The vision of the PHI University Clinic for Traumatology, Ortopaedic Diseases, Anaesthesia, Reanimation and Intensive Care and Emergency Centre Skopje is to continue executing healthcare of public interest and constantnly increase it by implementing more healthcare services of higher quality. Also, to implement new methods and techniques and raise the quality in every segment of the work by accepting the quality standards and their implementation which would contribute to full progress of the activity.
The vision of the Clinic is to continue executing the educational as well as scientific and research activity of public interest by continuously and quantitatively increasing it and by costant raise of the quality in order to educate and provide students with high quality and implement a quality professional advancement of the healthcare workers, tending to constantly enrich the educational programmes with knowledge in the field of medicine and therefore to produce workers with excellent scientfic knowledge and necessary comptenences.
The vision of the PHI University Clinic for Traumatology, Ortopaedic Diseases, Anaesthesia , Reanimation and Intensive Care and Emergency Centre Skopje is to develop scientific research at the University Clinic and implement it in the practice of the healthcare.